

Otto Wagner Areal Revitalisierung GmbH
Messeplatz 1
A-1020 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 720 30 50
VAT no.: ATU 64096105
Company register: FN 304873 v
Commercial Register Court: Commercial Court of Vienna
Chamber jurisdiction: Vienna Economic Chamber

Web design, editing system: Infound 
Graphic concept: KWIEN 
Photography (unless otherwise indicated): Klaus Vyhnalek

News editing: Otto Wagner Areal Revitalisierung GmbH

Corporate purpose: General planning development and administration of the Otto Wagner Areal

Declaration on the basic objective of the medium: Primarily the publication of content on news and projects related to the Otto Wagner Areal.


Mag. Tatjana Gettinger
DI Markus Zoller

WSE Wiener Standortentwicklung GmbH (100%)


Whistleblower system:

The EU directive for the protection of people who report infringements of union law (“EU Whistleblowing Directive”) entered into force in December 2021 and was implemented with the Austrian Whistleblower Protection Act. In accordance with the EU Directive, the law stipulates the establishment of an office for the confidential reporting of infringements of EU law.

You may reach the ombudsman’s office via the following contact details:

Website: Whistleblower system 
Hotline: +43 72 42 30 66 77 810 (workdays from 8am to 8pm)
Email address:

Here you will find FAQs on the whistleblower system and the process behind it.


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